JUNE 1998


- This document is designed to be read on-line or printed out for reading at your convenience -

- More information on Brian Lumley can be found at -

  • Enter of Your Own Free Will

  • by ShadoeWolfe
  • NecroQuotes

  • by Brian Lumley
  • Fellow Lumlians

  • by Silky Lumley
  • What Will Be, Has Been

  • by Robb Coutinho
  • WHC 98- What a ride!

  • by ShadoeWolfe
  • Caliber Comics releases Necroscope #2

  • by ShadoeWolfe
  • New Releases - Maze of Worlds, A Coven of Vampires

  • by ShadoeWolfe
  • Mouser's Musings

  • by Ralph Jessie

    Calendar of Events
    Bits and Pieces

    Enter of Your Own Free Will...
    ShadoeWolfe's news on the site
    by ShadoeWolfe

    Welcome to the fourth (already?) issue of Necroscope News! Hard to believe this little newsletter has made it this far. Just a gleam in my mind's eye a little over seven months ago, it has turned into as definitive and concise source for the latest dealings of Brian Lumley. With more readers everyday, I feel more confident to continue this humble publication.

    I have started work on the new site. Slow down, I didn't say it was done, just started. In case you're new to this letter or to Brian's Official American site, there are a heck of a lot of pages that need updated and rewritten, not to mention a whole slew of links. I hope to have the site completely done by July 1st, but who knows? Things don't always go as you plan.

    In case you are wondering why the site is moving - get ready to feel special. The site is moving for you. The fans. The cult followings of Brian's work. The Undead obsessed lunatics out there that can't get enough of Brian. It doesn't take a genius to figure out where the site resides now isn't the greatest. Hard to remember address, slow access, not much storage space, and God forbid - daily transfer amount exceeded - pages not accessible. If you haven't had any of these problems, consider yourself lucky. The new site will not have to worry about these annoyances. With over 100 megs of storage space and unlimited transfer rates, we can put up more info, more multimedia, more of everything you want to see. Best of all, if you know the author's name, you know the new address:

    I still haven't done any work on the landscapes (Bryce2) page as my time has been devoted to the remodeling of the site. I also still haven't heard from anyone else who has done artwork related to Brian's work. This will be the last call I make for a gallery. If you have any artwork related to Brian's writings that you would like to see in a gallery on the site, please let us know. If I don't hear anything before the next issue of the newsletter comes out, I'll just assume no one wants to participate and leave it at that. If you have any artwork, please let me know, .

    Well, that pretty much covers the latest and greatest of the site this issue. As always, check back often to see the new updates. Even though the new site is being constructed, updates are still being done to the current site. So if you need to know something, you can still find it where you have always been able to. When the news breaks about the launch of the new site, be sure to look for it on the current site. You'll also find out about it in the August issue of the NecroNews, obviously. I'll see you next issue!

    news from Brian Lumley himself

    by Brian Lumley

    Conventions come and go, and they all have their little surprises. This time it was a BIG surprise ... but I'll get to that. First, Silky and I were looking forward to this one. We'd get to meet the man who handles my Web Page. Dave McDougle, and his better half (his MUCH better half) .....?  And we knew Monte Z. Ogle and HIS better half would be there; Monte has certain books in his collection that even I don't have -- which is something of a pain when you consider that I wrote them! And there would be other good folks such as Robb Coutinho and ... God, so MANY better halves! Also, the "notorious" Keith Grant-Evans, of THE DOWNLINERS SECT, and his "minder" Jane, would be there. Not forgetting Forry Ackerman, probably the most Famous Monster of them all. Lots of folks I hadn't met before, and many I hadn't seen in sometime. Plus the usual Brits and a gang of writers who've been friends and colleagues of mine for long and long.

    Great fun (and not a little work thrown in), and all of it taking place at a venue known to Silky and I as "The Pool", for legend has it that The Embassy Suites -- previously the Fountain Suites -- has the biggest outdoor pool in Phoenix! And we love pools.

    Along with the brilliant limner/creator of Swamp Thing and the foremost Frankenstein illustrator, Bernie Wrightson, myself and Tom Doherty made up the team of artist, author, and publisher Guests of Honor. To be any one of which is (of course) an honor in itself. But the opening ceremonies proved to be -- or to produce -- an even greater honor.

    John Steakley was MC; he was a few minutes late, and then turned up with a bottle of Scotch! (Perhaps it was planned that way, I'm not sure, but certainly I enjoyed a nip of his hooch.) But in his brief absence the con committee had plugged the gap, and they'd done so by naming this year's Grand Master. And good people let me tell you THAT was the surprise ... because it was yours truly! And it stopped me dead.

    I had been whispering something to Tom Doherty when I heard my name mentioned in that connection, and whatever it was that was on my mind, it flew right out of my head, Picture this writer -- struck dumb, utterly lost for words, incapable of speech -- a terrible sight to see.

    And that Alan Clarke sculpture, that award ... it's something else. Only a horror writer could call it beautiful, but it IS beautiful. Thanks, Alan, and thanks World Horror Convention, for something I'll never forget, and for one of the greatest honors any writer in our field can ever receive...

    Only two complaints about the convention: I was never so busy before, but for obvious reasons it was worth it. But the two parties I HAD to attend -- because I was launching books at both of them -- happened at the same time. AND at the same time I was scheduled to do a reading! So, a few times there when my feet weren't quite touching the floor, I was in that much of a hurry. Thank God for Silky, who always got me there on time, or between times, or sometime...

    And the other complaint, but not really: at a hotel where they offer FREE happy hours and FREE breakfasts, breakfast and happy hour AREN't good times to hold panels. Food and drink are necessities, and panels aren't. Audiences are bound to be thin on the ground, however well-stoked within.

    But really, we enjoyed every minute. Phoenix gets my vote every time. And next time there's a horror con in Phoenix, Yrs. Truly WILL be there! That's a guarantee...

    More next time.

    PS: We're trying to find time in our schedule for the World Fantasy Convention in Monterey. So if you're attending at the end of October, 1998, perhaps we'll see you there!

    Brian Lumley

    Fellow Lumlians
    Silky's personal writings to the fans

    by Silky Lumley

    Greetings fellow Lumlians!

    Ah ... World Horror Con behind us now and it's time to let the mind wander on to wonderful things. (I'll let Brian, Dave and Robb tell  you about the Convention) Greece ... not long now and we're off.

    Last year we found a beautiful island off mainland Greece. (A 45 minute ferry ride.) It's called Thassos. Only 60 miles in circumference and it is not over commercialized. You can drive around it in a day but you need a couple of days if you're going to stop and explore all the little towns.

    To my knowledge their main export is marble. If fact, they have jetties made out of large chunks of it. You know when you're walking on the beach, and you see that perfect little pebble you decide to take home? ... well you'd have a hard time here deciding just what pebble to take home. We have a bottle full and they make gorgeous designs. I'll be bringing more home to fill some more bottles!

    FOOD ... absolutely delicious. Nothing like eating at your favorite Taverna (restaurant) al fresco (outside) on the beach, sipping Retsina (Greek wine) watching the sunset. This will be our third trip so, of course, we have our favorite taverna which we use 90% of the time. As the taverna is right on the beach (our favorite beach as well) we have our lunches there.

    We picked our accommodation on the outskirts of Potos Town. Just a five minute walk and you're at the tavernas and shops. And of course the beach. One beach of many.  A five minute drive takes us to our beach and taverna in Pefkari. (Pef-car-e) And our taverna Kamari (Ka-mar-e).

    Now ... here's a typical day for us.

    I'm up at 7:00 A.M. for a 2 minute walk to the bakery for fresh baked bread. Then back I come, put water on the burner for coffee and wake Brian. We have a small breakfast then at 8:15 A.M. we're off to the beach in Pefkari. Now I know some of you are thinking 8:15 off to the beach ??? ... well, Brian spearfishes so he goes in before people start arriving on the beach around 9:30. Fish come in to feed early in the morning and around 7:00 P.M. in the evening. Plus before everyone gets there we like to snorkel as well. The beach is not overpopulated so there's plenty of room ... but once they get in the water and start frolicking ... the fish take off for the deep.

    We have a very nice system going ... Brian catches his fish, we take them to our man Banos who will cook them for Bri's dinner that evening at our taverna.  Any fish he doesn't eat goes to the taverna for other folks to eat. And please note, anything Brian catches gets eaten by someone. He does not spear fish just for the sport of it. Bri also catches octopus. A favorite of our man Banos though we don't eat them ourselves.

    After Brian finishes his fishing (which is usually at least one hour at a time in the water) it's time for his nap under the umbrella while I work on a tan. On and off Bri will go in for octopus (they hide under shelves so people don't disturb them) you should see the people on the beach come running to see what he's got. Last time a French woman wanted Brian to pose with the octo so she could take a photo! Anyway ...not to stray ... you had to be there. At 1:00 P.M. it's lunch then back to the beach. More snorkeling and snoozing and a try at fishing. You just might get lucky if you go around where no one's swimming. Packing up between 3:30-4:00 P.M. Back our apartment in Potos for shower and a nap. Up and dress approximately at 6:00 P.M. and we're on our way for back to Pefkari for dinner and drinks. Around 8/8:30 P.M. it's back to Potos again for the remainder of the evening. A stroll around the shops and tavernas and then it's time for bed. Usually no later than Midnight for us.

    Now ... doesn't that sound like an extremely rough day? What a way to go!

    For maybe one or two days we leave the beach earlier so Brian can go back to Pefkari for fishing in the evening. I'll sit in the taverna with my retsina watching him fish before our evening meal. We do rent a car. A motorcycle would be nice but we have too much beach gear for that. At least one day we'll do some driving around to look at some sites. There is an ancient monastery there which is now taken over by Nuns. A gorgeous place on a cliff side.

    Well, I've rattled on for far too long. I could very easily talk your ears off about Greece ... but that's enough for now! I'll let you know how it was in the August NL.

    Until next time...

    Silky Lumley

    What Will Be, Has Been
    Veriatus lets us in on his views

    by Robb Coutinho

    WHC & THE 3 D’S

    Well, here I am back from the World Horror Convention held in Phoenix, Arizona. I met many new people; both friends and people I hope I never meet again.  I had a great time and I learned a lot—particularly the three D’s…Disgust, Disappointment, and Discouragement.

    I am a fledgling writer and I am very proud to say that.  I attended the WHC in the hopes of sitting down with a few accomplished writers and discussing things like writing a first novel, getting published, finding an agent, etc. What I learned instead was this: a writers convention (pick your own genre) is no place for an unpublished author to learn about the craft. The published writers who attend usually have no time to discuss the Art of the Word because they either are a) waiting for something, b) going to see something, or c) are already in middle of something. Some writers just do not give a damn. One writer specifically, whose first (and only) novel was being released at the Con said to me, “Well, good luck! Prepare yourself for failure. Bye. See ya. Make sure you buy my book!” What do you say to that? All I'm asking Mr. Severely-Balding-First-Novel-Horror-Writer-Man to do is talk to me about what it is like to be accepted into the literary fold. Hey! Sorry to strain your social skills, Mr. Rogaine!

    So there you have them. The three D’s…Disgust at the pompous attitudes of certain “professionals”. Disappointment in not finding an inspiring wordsmith to dialogue with over a margarita. And Discouragement at the thought of even considering I could ever stand shoulder to shoulder as a Storyteller with my peers in the Horror writing industry. Why should I bother? Mr. So & So said I would fail over and over and over and over again!

    Along comes Brian Lumley, my mentor and Fairy-Godfather of Liquor and Smokes. We went out to dinner with friends and loved ones. (It was the Lone Star Restaurant—great steaks!) Later that night Brian tells me, “ Robb, (he pronounces my name exactly the way it is spelled) all these industry folks are here to relax, drink, and recover by the pool. Some don’t want to talk shop and listen to pitches. They want to have fun, meet people and make friends. So should you. Introduce yourself and talk to these people. If they don’t want to talk then move on.” Brian told me all of this and more. So I flew home thinking, “If I want to be successful as a writer then I have to write, and write darn well, too!” And as far as failing? Let me tell you something; if I receive a rejection slip from Brian's editor, Melissa Singer, at Tor Publishing, I am celebrating because a major publishing house took the time read my manuscript and reply to my blood, sweat, ink and tears. What bigger compliment is there? (Well, yeah…a contract and advance, sure, but humor me, ok?) So now I have some new friends in the “biz”. Among them are John Steakley, Adam Niswander, Tom Doherty, Melissa Singer, Scott Wyatt, and Paul Ganley to name a few. And they are just that…friends!  Thanks for the advice, Brian.

    What will be, has been.

    Editorial comment:
    If you happened to attend the WHC this past month and have anything you would like to say to Robb, please feel free contact him at or to address the issue in the newsgroup, alt.books.brian-lumley

    Mouser's Musings
    Ralph Jessie has some thoughts he'd like to share...

    by Ralph Jessie

    Tarra Khash & the Tales of the Primal LandHello again, Mouser here. Yes I know, my email name has changed (now Titus) but ... I'm still Mouser. And today kids, we'll be talking about some of the best "sword & sorcery" fiction you'll ever find, the tales of Tarra Khash and the tales of the Primal World.

    I know you've heard of Conan, Elric and possibly Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser. These are the great adventurers and to the list you can add the stories of Harold Shea by L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt and the wonderful SILVERLOCK by John Myers Myers. You've probably also read dozens of lesser tales and been less than impressed by how trite and predictable the genre has become. Well, if you haven't read the Primal World stories, you're in for a treat.

    Tarra Khash is the main protagonist in this series of tales, although he doesn't figure into every tale. Unlike Conan, Tarra is not just another sinewy barbarian smashing his way out of every tight spot in which he lands. Khash has a brain and is not afraid to use it. Along with the rest of the tales of the Primal Land, this is Heroic Fantasy most fine.

    This cycle of stories started with "The House of Cthulhu", which I've had the pleasure of hearing Brian read at the Necronomicon. Simply brilliant! It was followed by the first Tarra Khash tale, "Treasure of the Scarlet Scorpion". The character took hold with more tales coming in 1983 and early '84. These stories are collected in two books published by W. Paul Ganley, who also has done the Cthulhu cycle of Brian's books. The first, THE HOUSE OF CTHULHU & OTHER TALES OF THE PRIMAL LAND, was published in 1984 and sadly, is now out of print. There has been a British paperback edition by Headline Books, but the content is slightly different. The second, THE COMPLEAT KHASH: vol. 1 - NEVER A BACKWARD GLANCE, is the first of two volumes devoted to Khash. This tome contains one of my favorites of the cycle, ISLES OF THE SUHM-YI. And THE COMPLEAT KHASH vol. 2 - SORCERY IN SHAD, a novel in which Tarra is pitted against the ancients with the human race in the balance.

    The stories are rich and bold. Much of what passes for "fantasy" today pales by comparison. It's a shame that they haven't seen a full mass market release here in the states. However, any bookstore ought to be able to look these titles (except HOUSE OF CTHULHU, of course) and order them for you. Or you could just ask for Ganley's address and order them direct.

    Will we see more tales of the Primal Land in the future? Sadly, Brian has no plans to continue in this vein. In an email correspondence recently he told me that the novels (Necroscope and otherwise) take up so much of his time and have become so lucrative that it is unlikely that he will return to writing short stories. Oh well, I'm just happy we got these. Unfortunately, there are no plans for wider release of these tales. Gee, wouldn't it be nice if TOR put out a collected volume similar to the Titus Crow/Cthulhu books? Who knows?

    WHC 1998 - What a Ride!
    World Horror Convention 1998 sees Brian receive Grandmaster award


    by ShadoeWolfe

    Outgoing HWA President, Brian Lumley, will be the Guest of Honor at the 1998 World Horror Convention set for Thursday, May 7 to  Sunday, May 10 at the Embassy  Suites North in Phoenix, AZ.

    That was the tag line you saw posted on this newsletter, the site, the WHC site, and anywhere else you ran across news from the WHC. Was that enough to motivate you to get up and go to Phoenix? If it wasn't, well then, that's your loss, because you missed one heck of a ride.

    Being my first convention of any kind, I wasn't sure what to expect. Also being my first time to meet Brian Lumley in person, I had a few of the fan based butterflies that go along with meeting your favorite author. I'm sure most of you out there know what I'm talking about. It ended up running smoothly - the plane trip out was the worst part of the trip, basking in the Phoenix sun pool side was a close second behind meeting "The Man," which was easily the best part. I'm also glad to say I didn't refund my dinner from nerves about meeting Brian and his lovely wife, Silky.

    The convention is a great place to meet the faces that go along with the names you see all over the world of horror. In comic books, artwork, authors, publishers, editors, fans - you name it, there's a good chance you'll see it at the convention. From the mild-mannered business suit type who strolls through looking for a "tome" to peruse, clear through the social spectrum to the make-up induced gunshot victims in black from head to toe dripping with realistic blood. What a thing to do to just sit back and watch the crowds. You can't leave out the gatherings, parties if you wish, that both individuals and publishers threw. Nothing brings people together like the aroma of happiness, usually in a bottle form.

    I have to say I agree with Brian about the organization of the Con, with too many things going on all at the same time, but, what do you do. It's designed to keep you involved and busy, sometimes just too busy. But when in doubt, a leisurely stroll down to the pool for a quick dip relieved any tension you might have. And if that didn't work, order a drink from the pool side bar, that'll be sure to take care of the stress.

    All in all, Sunday afternoon came too quick. I hated to leave the new friends I made, Robb Coutinho and his "newly adorned with a diamond" companion Carrie, (thanks again for the scenic route to the airport you guys),  Keith Grant-Evans and his wife, Jane, (good 'ol "Dave the Web" appreciated his CD, believe me) and most of all, my gracious hosts, Brian and Silky Lumley. For Brian and Silky, if you ever get to meet them in person, one line seems to come to mind to describe this couple. As Jackie Gleason once said, "You're the greatest!" If you don't walk away feeling that about them, you better check the autographs you had the individual you met sign in your books. It couldn't have been Brian Lumley.

    Caliber Comics releases Necroscope #2
    Caliber gets the second installment out to the public

    by ShadoeWolfe

    Caliber Comics has just released the follow-up to issue #1 of the Necroscope series. Issue No. 2 of the new Necroscope Comic came out just as the World Horror Convention was beginning last month. A bit behind schedule, but well worth the wait, right?

    I know a lot of you are wondering if it is worth the time to look for the comic adaptation of the novels. I mean, comic books are for kids, right? Not these comic books. Children would have nightmares like you wouldn't believe after leafing through these illustrations. So if you are wondering, go ahead and take the plunge. Buy them. Call up Caliber direct and order them. Just find a way to see for yourself what everyone who has them already knows. They are a thing of beauty.

    The story line picks up where the old comics left off, and if you don't know where that is, just follow all things to The Source. That's right, issue #1 starts out in Necroscope 3: The Source, where Zek has just discovered Starside. The issue ends with Darcy trying to recruit Harry again. What happens in-between? Going to have to find out for yourself, and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Issue #2 is out, so find out what happens next in this new world of Brian Lumley.

    Visit Caliber Comics at for an in-depth look at the project and to get the final release dates.

    New Releases
    Maze of Worlds - Coven of Vampires
    by ShadoeWolfe

    The books are finally here. Maze of Worlds. A Coven of Vampires. Been waiting long? I know, everyone has, but now that wait is over. Rush off to the site to order you copy of Maze and jump over to the site to pick up the email of Fedogan and Bremer to drop them a line about Coven. Or you can do it the old fashioned way and run down to your local bookstore and send an actual letter to Fedogan and Bremer. Doesn't matter to me one way or the other, just get them both, and get them now - you won't be disappointed.

    The original House of Doors was also re-issued at the same time by TOR, in the chance you don't already have it, and I'd be willing to bet a lot of you don't, since it isn't as mainstream as Necroscope. So look for the first installment now!

    Looking for more info on the two books?, then please swing by the site and find out all you need to know about how to obtain them, and what is going on inside them. Also check out the info below in Bits and Pieces on Coven. 

    Cover art by Peter Bollinger on House of Doors, Bob Eggleton on Coven of Vampires

    Bits and Pieces
    If you missed them last issue, they're back
    info courtesy of Silky Lumley 
    • The first of the new Necroscope books is now complete. Watch this space for more info when available.....

    • The poetry book GHOUL WARNING will be coming from Necropress in collaboration with Weirdbook Press. The book has been delayed but it is in production. More info to follow watch this space.

    • The CD in production by the Downliners Sect where Brian has done two voice-overs  BOOKWORM and ESCAPE FROM HONG KONG is now available. General Orders of Certified, Numbered copies from:

    • M. Birch, Birch Records
      14 Dickinson Avenue
      Croxley Green, Rickmansworth,
      Herts. WD3 3EX

      From UK £11.50. From outside UK: £12.00 Sterling or International Money order equivalent. Prices include postage. 

    • Brian's short story, written in 1976, "The Vehicle" has been published for the first time in it's entirety in LORE, Vol. 1, No. 8, Autumn 1997. If you are interested in purchasing a copy contact:

    • Fedogan and Bremer have done a Lumley book ... A COVEN OF VAMPIRES. Released at World Horror Convention in Phoenix.
    There will be a 100 copy signed/limited edition of the book. Advance paid orders are being accepted at $25.00 for the trade and $89.00 for the limited which includes shipping and handling (in the US). After publication the prices will go up to $27.00 and $95.00 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling. You have to pay in advance for the special price and can e-mail a request to: with a follow-up check or money order to the mailing address: Fedogan & Bremer, 3721 Minnehaha Ave. So., Minneapolis, MN 55406, USA.
    Overseas requests can e-mail and a reply of actual cost will be sent or they can wait and get a copy through Andy Richards in the UK. You can contact Andy at Cold Tonnage Books, 22 Kings Lane, Windlesham, Surrey GU20 6JU.
    • August 97 - "SINGERS OF STRANGE SONGS" Anthology containing three pieces of work by Brian plus 11 Mythos stories by other authors. "City Out of Time" (Poem) "Cement Surroundings," and "Spaghetti." Chaosium publisher. You can

    • order at
    • August 97 - A booklet titled IN HIS OWN WRITE: BRIAN LUMLEY, NECROSCRIBE was produced by NecronomiCon Press in conjunction with the NecronomiCon Convention where Brian was Guest of Honor. The booklet contains:"Synchronicity or Something, The Writer in the Garrett," and "The Thing in the Moonlight," the last being by Brian & HPL. Illustrated by Dave Carson. You can order at

    Calendar of Events
    Past and Upcoming events
    • November
      • Necroscope the Lost Years Vol. II  (UK) released
      • Necroscope: Resurgence The Lost Years Vol. II  (US hardcover TOR) released
    • December
      • Vamphyri! (US hardcover TOR) released
    • January
      • Titus Crow (Volume I) (US Hardcover TOR) released
    • June
      • Necroscope: Resurgence The Lost Years Vol. II  (US paperback TOR) released
    • July
      • Titus Crow Volume II (US Hardcover TOR) released
    • August
      • SINGERS OF STRANGE SONGS (Chaosium publisher) released -
      • In His Own Write BRIAN LUMLEY: NECROSCRIBE (Produced by NecronomiCon Press in conjunction with the NecronomiCon Convention) released - order:
      • The Compleat Crow (UK NEL Hodder & Stoughton) released
    • October
      • Titus Crow Volume III (US Hardcover TOR) released
    • December
      • Saturday, December 6, BRIAN LUMLEY BOOK SIGNING IN LONDON at Forbidden Planet
      • The House of Doors: SECOND VISIT (UK NEL Hodder & Stoughton) released
    • February
      • Necroscope comic book No. 1 released
    • May
      • Thursday May 7-Sunday May 10 - Brian Lumley was Guest of Honor at World Horror Convention in Phoenix
      • MAZE OF WORLDS (sequel to House of Doors)(US Hardcover TOR) released at the World Horror Convention in Phoenix, AZ
      • The House of Doors (US TOR paperback) re-issued with a new jacket at the same time as the sequel Maze of Worlds
      • A Coven of Vampires (Fedogan and Bremer limited hardback) released at World Horror Convention
      • Necroscope comic book No. 2 released
    • December
      • Necroscope III: The Source to be released by TOR in hardcover

    who they are and where to reach them

    To finish off this newsletter, we bring you the people involved. If you have a question for anyone, please email them and let them know about it. Any of the individuals involved in this project would be more than happy to answer your questions or hear your comments.

    Brian and Silky Lumley  -
    Dave McDougle (ShadoeWolfe)  -
    Robb Coutinho (Veriatus)  -
    Ralph Jessie (Mouser)  -

    All Material Contained Herein is Copyright © 1998 Brian Lumley
    Not to be reprinted or reused in any form, print or digital, without permission