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Titus Crow

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One Mythos - two series of books. Titus Crow and The Dreamlands. They each can stand alone or be thrown together to complete an amazing venture into H.P. Lovecraft's fantasy world.

Cthulhu. The CCD. Elder gods who ruled the universe before man ever existed. However, now there is a man to equal these wondrous deities, if you believe that possible. Titus Crow.

Along with Henri-Laurent de Marigny, Titus embattles these forces of evil in a never-ending battle for the survival of mankind. Try carrying that around on your shoulders for a few weeks, yet alone a lifetime. Dive into these H.P. Lovecraft inspired worlds and fight the good fight alongside Titus Crow.

US Novels 
Books 1-3 of the collection

Titus Crow (Volume One)
Titus Crow Volume Two
Titus Crow Volume Three

UK Novels 
Books 1-2 of the collection

Mythos Omnibus Volume One
Mythos Omnibus Volume Two


US Novels - Hardcover Tor

The House of Cthulhu Volume 1 in The Primal Land Trilogy

US Novels - Hardcover Tor

Tarra Khash: Hrossak! - Volume 2 in The Primal Land Trilogy

US Novels - Hardcover Tor

Sorcery in Shad - Volume 3 in The Primal Land Trilogy


Dreams...everyone has them. Some can be recalled, some disappear as soon as consciousness is regained. But what if you never did come back from the dream state? What if you ended up stranded in the world of Dreams? What if you WANTED to stay stranded in the Dreamlands...

David Hero has to deal with this struggle. Which is better - the waking world or the dream world? What do you think? Need a better grasp on the situation...step inside the land of Dreams from Tor...



Also Published from Delirium Books...
Dreamlands from Dimension House Special Limited Edition Dreamlands